
Open Call and Nominations by referrers

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Open Call

June 30 2025

Open Call Deadline

September 30 2025

Jury voting deadline

Nominations by referrers

May 30 2025

by the referrers

September 30 2025

Jury voting deadline


Who can participate in the open call?

All amateur and professional photographers who have not yet turned 35 at the time of participation can participate in the open call category.

How to correctly submit a project idea?

The project idea consists of a description of the project for a maximum of 1,500 characters and a budget estimate of the project itself for a maximum of 1,500 characters, both to be entered in the respective fields of the participation form. The images that make up the portfolio of 10 photos (for a maximum of 10MB and in jpg, pdf or tiff format) can relate to both the project idea itself (which thanks to the Prize can be expanded and extended), and other projects.

Must the project be unpublished?

Yes. The photographs must be unpublished and must not have been awarded in other competitions or made public during other events.

Can I submit more than one project?

No. The single photographer can participate only once and by submitting only one project idea.

Who owns the rights to the images featured in the candidate projects for the open call?

For both categories, the rights to the images will remain to the authors, without prejudice to the right of the Deloitte Foundation and Deloitte Italy S.p.A. to use the images for the communication of the prize on its means of communication (digital and paper). The images will also be used for the creation of the catalogue, therefore editorial rights will be granted, limited to the creation of the catalogue.

Can I submit images created by Artificial Intelligence?

Images produced with AI will be accepted as long as it is explicitly stated in the accompanying text that they have been created this way.