About Deloitte

Fondazione Deloitte

If you have any questions, please contact: info@deloittephotogrant.com

Our address: Via Santa Sofia 28, 20122 Milano MI

Our dream. Our commitment

The Italian Deloitte Foundation, established in February 2016, responds to the desire to stand in an increasingly responsible and attentive way to society, to which Deloitte knows it owes a great deal and to which it wants to give back value, by providing its resources and skills, as well as establishing a dialogue with institutions and entities of excellence set in Italy and abroad.

Deloitte Foundation has a dream: to help improve the world through beauty, progress and support for those in need – and it is convinced that it can make a difference in the three areas in which it has chosen to engage.

The areas of intervention


Culture and cultural heritage

Italy is recognized worldwide for its historical, cultural, artistic and landscape heritage: consider the number of Unesco sites in Italy, the highest in the world. Deloitte Foundation intends to flank and support institutions and sector excellences in the implementation of projects aimed at fostering knowledge and care of Italy’s artistic-cultural heritage.


Education, instruction and research

Deloitte has always made the most of its people’s talents, knowing that their knowledge and skills can make a difference. Therefore, Deloitte Foundation encourages investment in research and education and promotes debate on relevant issues related to the world of education, through discussions with leading figures from institutions, universities and research, the third sector and the business community.


Emergencies, both national and international

In Italy and in the world there are often events that upset the normal course of existence of individuals, communities, sometimes entire populations. These are critical situations that create national and international emergencies, to which Deloitte Foundation cannot and will not remain indifferent, bringing help where needed, activating the resources of the Deloitte network in Italy.

Contest promoted by

Black Camera

Black Camera is a webzine that focuses on the worlds of photography, video and the culture of images. Black Camera aims to be the leading Italian photography magazine, with original stories, unpublished insights, and narratives expressed through the language of pictures and video. Black Camera also uses photography to develop corporate communication projects and to enhance regional areas and corporate activities, whose portals and social channels have become instruments through which projects can gain visibility and notoriety. Black Camera also holds workshops, masterclasses and consulting linked to collecting, selling, and purchasing photographs. Moreover, it designs exhibitions, books and art catalogues.

Over the years, it has been associated with major brands and professional entities using photography as a language.



Artistic Director

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Photography critic and expert on the photography market, in 2014 he founded STILL Fotografia. Today he is the artistic director of the Casa dei TRE OCI in Venice and of the Capri Photography Festival. Furthermore, he is a consultant to the Fondazione Venezia for the management of the photographic heritage and has been the curator of various exhibitions of international authors.


Project Manager

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Independent consultant working in project management, marketing and fundraising for art and culture. For the past 10 years she has worked as a freelance consultant for exhibition production, fundraising strategy development – ​​for both art and culture and non-profit organizations – and has specialized in drafting projects for participation to calls for funding.


Content Editor

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Author, editor-in-chief of the web magazine Black Camera and editor of ArtsLife. Partner of the STILL Fotografia gallery in Milan. Professor of History of Photography at IED Milano (Fashion Design and Styling & Communication).


Art Director

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The background in the field of visual communication has led him to collaborate with organizations and companies in the design and corporate identity fields. Always passionate about the history of photography and the latest trends in contemporary art, he lives and works in Milan where he deals with the curatorship of photographic exhibitions, the art direction of author’s books and cultural initiatives.